I went out for a run yesterday at the end of the work day, at work. My phone said the temperature was 25, and I thought "this is going to feel so warm." So I gathered all my stuff, coat, hat, mittens, running gear, and stepped outside on the way to another building where the locker room is.
"uhh, this is not 25, this is quite cold."
So far this year I've run outside only a few times. And, seriously, I'm just not on my game at correctly figuring out what the temperature is going to feel like. Garmin has a new feature on thier connect site that lets you see what the weather was like for a specific workout. Here are the last three, yesterday's being the last one.
For those of you in warm sunny clients, the good info is really the "feels like" temp which takes wind into account. Also, for the same crowd, 86% humidity isn't bad at 15 degrees.
Last year I did a little post about cold weather running. In there I basically laid out my warm weather gear for running. Last year I feel like I did pretty good when it came to keeping warm. I basically ran outside all winter. This winter, it seems like every time I go out I am frozen when I get back.
I was reading through that post, in it I say that two long sleeve shirts, two pairs of pants, hat and gloves.
Some days I forget my hat. Let me tell you, my little ears get super cold with no hat, BUT then my hat isn't super sweaty at the end. Like I always say, there are always pros and cons. In this case, the con of almost getting frostbite doesn't outweigh the pro of not having a sweaty hat :)
I haven't been able to get my act together enough to ever remember to wear two shirts. Read that last one carefully, it's not that I don't have two shirts with me, I just haven't been thinking it was needed. And every single time I get done my nipples feel like tiny rocks frozen to my chest. Not awesome. Also, I have been wearing just a regular long sleeve shirt, and so the wind gets in there, and my hands get SUPER cold. I mean, good gravy, it's like I'm not wearing gloves.
I have been wearing the thermal tights, and in general that's fine. The wind hasn't been that bad, so they are working out just fine. Though, I suppose it's worth noting, my tights don't have pockets so I have been wearing a pair of shorts over them so I can get back into the buildings at work :)
Overall, it's cold, and probably colder than I want to admit. So I've got to get my act together so the runs are a little more enjoyable. One positive note, it's doughnut day at work today, so maybe I can just add a layer of fat to help :p